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Вы здесь » Форум кланов Amber и Ilerium » Всё о Lineage2 » Квесты. В помощь начинающим (25-30 лвл)

Квесты. В помощь начинающим (25-30 лвл)

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В помощь начинающим:

Квест  Lizardmen’s Conspiracy
Дается в Gludio Castle Town  
NPC:Guard Praga
лвл: 25
Приз: 42,000 SP
сдавал - получил
1. Start by talking to Guard Praga outside of the West Gate in Gludio. He will tell you about the Lizardmen invasion after the war with Gracia. He mentions Magister Rohmer looking into things and asks for your help. Accept the quest.
2. He asks you to take a report to Magister Rohmer. He’s located in the Temple in the Northern portion of town.
3. Magister Rohmer tells you that the Araneids are being controlled by magic and asks for your help in doing something.
4. In order to dispel the Lizardmen’s magic he needs you to gather items from both the Lizardmen and the spiders. Fifty shiny colored orbs from Maille Lizardmen Warriors, Maille Lizardmen Shamen, Maille Lizardmen Matriarch and you will also need fifty shiny red colored orbs from the Giant Araneid and Poison Araneid spiders, all of which can be found in the Maille Lizardman Barracks.
5. Travel to the north of the Lizardmen’s area to kill Giant Araneids and Poison Spiders.
and the Maille Lizardmen Warriors, Maille Lizardmen Shamen andMaille Lizardmen Matriarchs until you have 50 of each orb.
6. Return to Magister Rohem with the items.
7. He thanks you and gives you 42,000 SP for your efforts.


Квест Collector of Jewels
Дается в Gludin Village  
NPC:Magister Nell
лвл: 25
Приз: 76,000a


Квест Acts of Evil
Дается в Gludin Village  
NPC:Guard Alvah
лвл: 27
сдавал - получил



Квест на удочку - Red-Eyed Invaders
Gludio Castle Town  
NPC:Guard Babenco
лвл - 20
Приз: 60 Green Colored Lure High Grade, Baby Duck Rod, 500 FS-NG

1. Start by talking to Guard Babenco. He tells you about the lizardmen amassing a force outside Gludio. He asks you to join the militia. Accept this quest.
2. He sends you to Captain Bathis at the Northern gate of Gludio.
3. Captain Bathis thinks you are braved but insults your armor choice and sends you on a dangerous mission.
4. He tells you to hunt Maille Lizardmen, Maille Lizardmen Scouts and Maille Lizardmen Guards for 100 red and 100 black bone necklaces.
5. Travel just outside of town. If you leave the North gate after talking to Captain Bathis, just turn west and they are in the Maille Lizardman Barracks outside of town. The Lizardmen and Scouts drop the Black Bone Necklaces, while the Guards drop the Red.
These are half hitpoint mobs. The Guards are agro, but the others are not. They are, however, highly social and will assist others if they are close enough.
6. After collecting 200 bracelets (100 each red and black) return to Captain Bathis. He tells you of a further threat.
7. Captain Bathis tells you there is a connection between the giant spiders in the area and the Lizardmen. He wants you to kill more Scouts and Guardsmen as well as the Giant Araneids to find out what is happening.
8. Travel back out to the Maille Lizardman Barracks and kill more Maille Lizardmen Scouts and Maille Lizardmen Guards to obtain 30 Incense Pouches and Giant Araneids to obtain 30 Gem of Maille Lizardmen.
9. He tells you they will investigate further.
10. He thanks you and gives you a reward..


Квест на Д-щит Dragon Fangs
Gludin Village  
NPC:Guard Luis
лвл - 19
Приз: 1500 adena, Aspis



Reorks написал(а):

Квест  Lizardmen’s Conspiracy
Дается в Gludio Castle Town   
NPC:Guard Praga
лвл: 25
Приз: 42,000 SP

Сдал еще раз - дали 126к СП  :O


Вы здесь » Форум кланов Amber и Ilerium » Всё о Lineage2 » Квесты. В помощь начинающим (25-30 лвл)